
today, i'd like to discuss the state of the union. oh wait...shit...i can't, because i didn't watch. i didn't watch because i find it to be one of the most painfully boring hours on television. next to golf, and most of what is on the history channel.

i can discuss, however, what was covered in the mac-daddy of political speeches, because how can you get through the day without hearing about it from one place or another.

1. health insurance tax breaks. sounds great, but is misleading. actually, this would make health insurance costs taxable income for people who are covered by their employer. i don't claim to know everything about it, but this is a fact (cnn.com) and i think that sucks. it would be great if you pay your own coverage, then you can get up to $15,000 in tax breaks. hm.

2. the war. "i ask you to give it a chance to work." exact words. seems to me like he's pleading, wanting someone--anyone--to support his decisions in this area. unfortunately for him, he doesn't have much support at all...so we'll see where this goes.

3. oil. apparently, we shouldn't be so dependent on oil. weird, i've never thought of that. this topic is one of those that if i think about it for too long, i start to get a eerie feeling that the planet will implode or something. i have to drive to get to work. if i quit my job, i wouldn't be a working member of my community. if i got a job closer to my home, so i could ride the bus, i wouldn't make enough money to pay my bills. then i'd be asking for welfare. i mean, it's just a vicious cycle.

4. immigration. blah...to me, uninteresting...because there is no simple solution and even if there were, i guarantee that capitol hill wouldn't be trying it.

there were other things, like a shout out to pelosi (who by the way didn't actually complete her "six in 06" in 100 hours), a nod to that guy who rescued the other guy from the subway tracks in NY, and i think there was something in there about the lady who created baby einstein...not sure.

all in all, another lame SOTU...can't wait for next year.

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