
world wrestling entertainment

last night, my very good friend miss forrest opened my eyes to the wonderful world of monday night raw. now, i have to admit, as a young child, i watched hulk hogan and randy savage wrestle on KPLR 11 on saturday mornings. this was accompanied by pretending our pull out couch-bed was a wrestling ring, and trying to do flips off the side of it with my brother. (note: he always got to be hulk hogan, and i had to be randy savage. jerk)

to my surprise, pro wrestling has not changed much at all. matter of fact, some of those old guys are still doing it. (see: rick flair, right) in case you weren't aware, he is 58 years old. he started wrestling when he was 23. that's completely insane. he started before hulk hogan, AND is older than him. part of me respects the guy for sticking with it, and part of me pities him for still doing it. and then another part of me is disgusted with his old man body.

so aside from ric flair, i had my first experience with 29-year-old john cena. now, as a newcomer to WWE, i have always pictured all of these wrestlers to be what they were when i was young: beastly, sweaty, sporting mullets...you get the point. low and behold, this guy is actually hot. he's even going to be in his own movie with the blond ex-pornstar from nip/tuck. it's a small small world. way to keep up with the times WWE.

moral of this story: thank you, christy, for bringing wrestling back in to my life. i dedicate this blog to you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so honored that you dedicated your blog to me! And I'm so glad that enjoyed the wrestling experience. It's also wonderful that I was able to expose you to the wonderful world of John Cena...and if you want to borrow his movie, I have the DVD!! :)