
fat chance - game number one

i regret that i have been very uninteresting the past few weeks...so i will now begin my 9 part series on the rising softball stars that are "fat chance." consisting of my siblings, their spouses, my bf, my cousins, their spouses, their cousins, and one girl we found on the league's message board, we are on our way to greatness.

game 1 - 04/28/07

it's been two weeks since we played, so i can't remember exactly how the game went - but it we lost by the 10-run-lead after two innings rule, so i think it may be better that i don't remember it. we had a rough time hitting, and a rough time fielding - but it was our first game. last season, we lost our first game just as badly, and ended up second in our league.

the highlight of the night was actually after our game was over. we were sitting on the bleachers, drinking and carrying on (cause that's what good softball players do), and the team that was playing after us was in need of a female on their team, because one of their girls got injured. they came over to the group of us, and i was the only girl left that could play for them. (we didn't think it would be right to send my 7.5-month-pregnant-sister out on the field) so i grab my glove and head out to second base - where they told me to go after i explained that i'm usually the catcher - with my game face on. now, since i'm usually catcher, i don't have much contact with the ball while it's in play, and that's the way i prefer it. so a few plays go by, i don't have to do much but look like i'm in the game and give a few cheers for my team.

a batter comes up and hits directly into center field, where our center-fielder makes the catch. i'm at second, ready to do what i need to do - and he throws to me. ordinarily, i would have tried to catch it, but instead knock the ball down with my glove, then throw it to the pitcher. this time, however, something came over me and i stuck my glove out and actually CAUGHT the ball. i turned and looked at my teammates like i had just made the play of the game - because to me, that was the most impressive thing i'd done all night. better yet, the most impressive thing i've done since we started playing a year ago.

so, loss for fat chance and all, i think i had a pretty good night.

game #2 is 05/11 - watch out "rave blue smocks"!! (what the hell kind of team name is that anyways?)


Colleen said...

Sounds like next game you are playing a group of Wal-Mart employees/ravers...have fun with that! ;)

elgirl said...
