getting picked on and crazy stories
i had a friend tell me today, "i just love giving you shit." is that a good thing or a bad thing? i mean, on one hand, it means that this person knows i can handle a little teasing, that i won't get my feelings hurt or get offended. but - on the other hand, that means that they think they can just razz the hell out of me, because i'll take it.
just a few weeks ago, i was out to dinner for work with a group of people. some of them were vendors in from colorado, some that i work in the office with everyday. either way, most of them are guys, and they took to teasing me during dinner about everything. i just laughed, because, well...most of what they said was funny. but then, my boss's boss says, "erin, it's just so easy to pick on you because you are good-natured about it."
so because i'm nice, and don't throw a hissy-fit when people give me shit, all of a sudden i'm the token "pick-on" girl? what the f? that is totally not fair. wouldn't it make more sense to pick on the people who are mean and rude and deserve it? instead of the people who are innocent?
so i have decided. i'm going to start completely overreacting when people tease me. i'm going to go ape-shit crazy over every little thing that someone says that could possibly offend me in any way. just once, i want to do something really nutty - like burst into tears and run out of a meeting. that'll show all those people who "love to give erin shit." jerks.
on another note - i heard this really crazy story the other day about a dead dog in a duffle bag that got stolen off a train. it was really nuts. but it got me thinking about those kinds of stories that you hear, that are just so whacko that you can't help but tell people, whether they know the people in the story or not. i just thought of another involving chapstick and a cat butthole. so funny. anyways, that point is - are these stories, or more like urban legends? are they such good stories that they just keep circulating through people, like a never-ending chain email? think about that. weird.
have a good weekend - i'll be playing softball tonight and visiting the land of lincoln tomorrow. good times :)
Chapstick and a cat butthole? I don't even know what to do with that.
like I said... instead of running out crying when someone gives you shit, I think you should throw a computer through the window or just punch them... get that aggression out
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