
A look back...

Just like last year, I'd like to take a moment to reflect on the past year. the good, the bad, the unexpected. All in all, a good year in my book.

1. Abe comes home from Iraq. A very warm-welcomed homecoming to a much-loved soldier, Abe coming home was a great moment in my life, and I'm willing to bet a memorable day for my sister.

2. I moved out on my own. My first apartment, my first time living alone...it's been great. although i cried myself to sleep the first night...but whatever, i'm cool now.

3. Matt moves to St. Louis. Goodbye long-distance, hello Brentwood Forest!

4. I got promoted. After almost two years of being the sales grunt-worker, I was offered a promotion (raise included $$) to be St. Louis Magazine's Consumer Marketing Manager.

5. My first trip to Chicago! An unlikely run-in with just the right person got me up on a rooftop to watch the Cubs beat the Cards (boo) in what turned out to be one of the drunkest days of my life. I hate the Cubs, but Wrigley Field is pretty awesome.

6. Wisdom teeth removal: too bad I don't have a picture of this one, with a nast infection and a swollen face, I looked beautiful. My wisdom is now gone, as well as a large sum of money
from my pocket. Crappy dental insurance.

7. Cardinals win the World Series!

8. Democrats take over Senate. McCaskill defeats Talent. Stem cell research bill passes in Missouri. Tobacco tax is rejected. Female senator count reaches all-time high of 16.

9. Shannon is pregnant! She's in a lot of my news this year, and was last year too, but then again, she's my sister, so it's cool. Due in the beginning of June, her baby is now the size of a baseball, and has eyes and ears. creepy. but seriously, I can't wait to meet him! (I think it's a boy)

10. I quit my job. Yes, you read that right. After a promotion, I decided to quit anyways. I found a new job, making more money, at a great company...so the decision was made. I start on Dec 29th...so that will be the end of my 2006!

And...that's it folks! It truly was a great year, and I wish everyone all the best in 2007!

1 comment:

Colleen said...

I love you Erin!
I just found your blog again, and we have SO MUCH to catch up on.
I'm emailing you now to plan a time for drinks :)