
i recently found out that my alma mater is undergoing a terrible tragedy. the town is trying to ban outdoor drinking games, and all paraphernalia associated with them. it breaks my heart to think that i can never go back to see a makeshift plywood table in someone's front lawn, covered in red solo cups, beer dripping from all sides, and a crew of merry students-laughing and tossing the ping pong ball around. it's an outrage. for the full article, click here.

"If passed, the ordinance would go into effect 30 days after it is approved. It would forbid all residents of Oxford from participating in alcoholic games outside the home and require that all materials used be transferred inside the resident's house.

It lists beer pong, flip cup and chugging contests as examples of games that would be prohibited.
Violators would be charged $100, $250 and $500 for the first, second and third offenses respectively. Subsequent offenses continue with a $500 fine. Because the ordinance prohibits alcohol games played in public view, house porches would be included as part of the outside vicinity.

Tables, plywood boards and other devices used for games involving alcohol placed outside of a house and in view of a public street or sidewalk are also explicitly banned."

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