
squirrels and 9 days off work

the joy of being a home-owner...you have your own yard, your own driveway, your own privacy...and your very own pet squirrels living in your attic. our neighbor stopped us as we were walking in the house the other day, and let us know that she's seen squirrels coming out of our roof recently. in her words there are "more than 10, more than 20". i'm not sure that squirrels live in packs like that, and i'm sure that she's a nutbag - however, the thought of all those little rodents camping out in the attic is not pleasant. so it's operation squirrel destruction at the soon-to-be husband household.

the good news is that today is my last day at work until july 9. sah-weet. we're off to the hamilton county court system to swear that we're not related and are over the age of 17, then to oxford for the whole shebang. then paris, then prague, then home home on the range -- at which time i'll be living in our house! no more living like a gypsy out of a suitcase in my car!

so long till next month, my avid readers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I CAN'T WAIT TILL TOMORROW NIGHT!!!!!!!! :) Eeekk!! You will be a married lady!